PowerDeWise Microphone: Smartphone still recording through the built-in mic problem

If the microphone is connected to a smartphone and the phone records through the built-in microphone instead of the external microphone, take a deep breath, please carry out the following points: Please note that there won’t be any special icon indicating that an external microphone has been connected. Smartphones’ headphone jacks were designed for headphones, it’s just like the name sounds. So, when you plug in anything other than a headphone, it doesn’t indicate that the microphone is plugged in, rather it indicates that a headphone is plugged in, usually at the top of the screen. Some Android smartphones that require a Type C USB to 3.5mm jack Adapter (without a headphone jack) may not indicate that something is connected to the phone. Therefore, to know if the microphone is with your Android Smartphone, you need to carry out the following steps below:
  1. Ensure that the external microphone is properly plugged into the phone’s headphone jack/the 3.5mm end of a Type C USB to 3.5mm Jack Adapter.
  2. Let your friend hold your device, and you hold the mic, with some distance between the two of you or better still, let a door separate the two of you. just to know for sure if your voice is being recorded through the built-in mic or external microphone.
  3. Record your voice.
  4. Remove the microphone, and record your voice again, through the built-in microphone.
  5. Play both recordings and compare the quality.
  6. If possible, send both recordings to us, indicating the one that is for the built-in mic of your phone and the one that is for the external microphone. (If it doesn’t work still)
Some smartphones like the Google Pixel 2 require an app to work properly with an external microphone. Therefore, please download the Open Camera app by Mark Harman from Google Play Store following the steps below
  1. Plug or connect the microphone into your device.
  2. Launch the App.
  3. Click the setting icon > Video Settings > Audio Source.
  4. Select “External mic (If Present).
  5. Then carry out the previous steps (the ones above, 1. Ensure that the external microphone is properly plugged…) on the Open Camera App
For devices that require a Type C to 3.5mm Jack Adapter, if you want to be sure that the Type C to 3.5mm Jack Adapter is the problem or not and if you have access to a smartphone that doesn’t require a Type C to 3.5mm Jack Adapter, please try the microphone with that smartphone and tell us about the experiment and name of the smartphone in your response. If you don’t have access to another smartphone, please skip this step, the step is optional. These troubleshooting steps are also applicable to Android tablets. If you were redirected here from Facebook and none of the above steps help, simply select the “No, I need further assistance” for the next question “Problem solved?”, indicating that you already tried the steps above. Please also mention the name of your smartphone e.g Samsung Galaxy S10  and a representative will attend to you ASAP. Not redirected from Facebook? If none of the above steps help, please reach out to our customer support team via Email, Facebook, or WhatsApp, indicating that you already tried the steps above. Please also mention the name of your smartphone e.g Samsung Galaxy S10.